



package goodstuff

Package Members

  1. package gui

Type Members

  1. class Category extends AnyRef

    The class Category represents categories of experiences in the GoodStuff diary application.

    The class Category represents categories of experiences in the GoodStuff diary application. A single category contains zero or more experiences that are similar in some way and are purchased in units of the same kind. A category object could be used represent hotel experiences, for instance, or wines the diarist has tasted.

    A category object has a mutable state: A newly created category has no experiences yet; experiences must be added to it using the addExperience method.

  2. class Experience extends AnyRef

    The class Experience represents entries in a user's experience diary.

    The class Experience represents entries in a user's experience diary. Each entry represents an experience as evaluated by the diarist.

    An experience object is immutable once created; there are no methods to change any of its attributes.
