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object MovieSentimentApp extends App

This app loads training data for a SentimentAnalyzer from a text file that contains movie reviews. It then interacts with the user in the text console, interactively prompting them to enter movie reviews and using the analyzer to report whether those reviews are positive or negative. The session ends when the user enters an empty input.

This app loads training data for a SentimentAnalyzer from a text file that contains movie reviews. It then interacts with the user in the text console, interactively prompting them to enter movie reviews and using the analyzer to report whether those reviews are positive or negative. The session ends when the user enters an empty input.

(The training data is originally from the Rotten Tomatoes review aggregator, was collected by the Sentiment Analysis project at Stanford University. It has been further pre-processed for educational purposes first by Eric D. Manley and Timothy M. Urness, then by Juha Sorva.)