
class Municipality(name: String, val nation: Nation, contact: NaturalPerson) extends Entity with HumanOrganization

A Municipality is a part of a Nation.

Value parameters:

a contact person for the municipality


the name of the municipality


the nation the municipality is part of

Value members

Concrete methods

A short description of the entity’s type. For a Municipality, returns "municipality of NAME-OF-NATION".

A short description of the entity’s type. For a Municipality, returns "municipality of NAME-OF-NATION".

Inherited methods

override def toString: String

Returns a textual description of the legal entity. This takes the form "NAME (KIND)", e.g., "Jane Doe (human in full capacity)".

Returns a textual description of the legal entity. This takes the form "NAME (KIND)", e.g., "Jane Doe (human in full capacity)".

Definition Classes
Inherited from:

Concrete fields