
class GameState(val missesAllowed: Int, val previousGuesses: String, val visibleWord: String, val viableSolutions: Vector[String])

Each instance of class GameState represents a single state within the Peeveli variant of Hangman: What does the (partially visible) target word look like to the guesser? How many incorrect guesses can the guesser still make? Which guesses have already been made? Moreover, our dishonest hangman needs an additional piece of information: Which words are still credible solutions given the earlier guesses?

Chapter 10.2 of the ebook details the Peeveli game’s internal logic.

While a player plays a game of Peeveli, the game will move from one state to another. Even so, each GameState object is immutable. Each successive state is represented by a new GameState object, which is generated by calling the current state’s guessLetter method.



the number of incorrect guesses that the guesser can still make before losing the game. A negative number means that the game is over.


a string that contains all the previously guessed characters in order


all the words in the game’s vocabulary that match the visibleWord parameter and are therefore plausible correct solutions


the version of the target word that is visible to the guesser. In a state that represents the beginning of the game, this will consist of unrevealed characters only (e.g., "_____"); see Unrevealed. In later states, more and more characters will be visible (e.g., "C___O").


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members


def this(missesAllowed: Int, length: Int, vocabulary: Vector[String])

Creates a new GameState that represents the initial state of a new game of Peeveli. All the letters of the target word are unrevealed.

Creates a new GameState that represents the initial state of a new game of Peeveli. All the letters of the target word are unrevealed.

Note to students: This is an additional constructor for the class (see optional materials in Chapter 4.1). You don’t need to use it.



the number of characters in the target word that the guesser will look for


the number of incorrect guesses the guesser is allowed to make


a collection of known words; all words of exactly length characters in the vocabulary are potential target words


Concrete methods

def guessLetter(guess: Char): GameState

Returns a new GameState that follows this current one given that the guesser guesses a particular letter. The rationale behind moving from one state to another is described in Chapter 10.2 of the ebook.

Returns a new GameState that follows this current one given that the guesser guesses a particular letter. The rationale behind moving from one state to another is described in Chapter 10.2 of the ebook.

The next GameState will certainly have one more letter in previousGuesses than the present one. In addition, it may have more visible letters in the target word, fewer misses allowed, and/or fewer potential solutions remaining.

The player will always spend a missed solution attempt if the guess did not reveal any new letters. This happens even if the player had already guessed the same letter before.



a guessed letter; this can be in either case but is always interpreted as an upper-case character



the state of the game after the newest guess

Returns true if the player has missed with more guesses than allowed and has therefore lost the game; returns false otherwise.

Returns true if the player has missed with more guesses than allowed and has therefore lost the game; returns false otherwise.


def isWon: Boolean

Returns true if the guesser has won the game, that is, if they haven’t missed too many times and all the letters in the target word are visible. Returns false otherwise.

Returns true if the guesser has won the game, that is, if they haven’t missed too many times and all the letters in the target word are visible. Returns false otherwise.


Returns the number of all known words that are (still) possible solutions to this game of Peeveli, given the guesses that have already been made.

Returns the number of all known words that are (still) possible solutions to this game of Peeveli, given the guesses that have already been made.


override def toString: String

Returns a string description of the game state.

Returns a string description of the game state.


Definition Classes

Returns the length of the target word.

Returns the length of the target word.
