class FamilyMember(val name: String, val children: Vector[FamilyMember])

The class FamilyMember represents people in a very simple family tree analysis program. Each person has a name and zero or more children. A FamilyMember object is immutable.

Note: All the methods in this class assume that each descendant descends from a person via a single line of ancestry only.



the person’s children


the person’s name


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members


def this(name: String)

Initializes a new, childless FamilyMember.

Initializes a new, childless FamilyMember.


Concrete methods

Returns all the people in the family tree from this FamilyMember downwards, including this FamilyMember. That is, the returned collection contains this person and their descendants.

Returns all the people in the family tree from this FamilyMember downwards, including this FamilyMember. That is, the returned collection contains this person and their descendants.


Returns true if and only if the person has no children.

Returns true if and only if the person has no children.


Returns the person in the family tree from this FamilyMember downwards (this person included) that has the largest number of children. (Only immediate descendants count as children.) If called on a childless person, returns that person. In case of a tie, the method will return one of the tied people.

Returns the person in the family tree from this FamilyMember downwards (this person included) that has the largest number of children. (Only immediate descendants count as children.) If called on a childless person, returns that person. In case of a tie, the method will return one of the tied people.

Consider an example family tree:

  • Odin has one child: Edie.
  • Edie has five children: Molly, Barbara, Calvin, Sam, and Walter.
  • Sam has three children: Dawn, Gus, and Greg.
  • Dawn has three children: Lewis, Milton, and Edith.

This means that:

  • Called on Odin, the method returns Edie, since she has five children; more than her parent Odin and more than any of her own descendants.
  • Called on Edie, the method returns Edie herself, for the same reason.
  • Called on Molly, the method returns Molly herself, even though she has no children.
  • Called on Sam, the method may return either Sam himself or Sam’s daughter Dawn, both of whom have three children.


Returns the number of children the person has.

Returns the number of children the person has.


Returns the number of descendants the person has in total. A person’s descendants are that person’s children plus all their descendants.

Returns the number of descendants the person has in total. A person’s descendants are that person’s children plus all their descendants.


def numberOfDescendantsAt(generation: Int): Int

Returns the number of descendants the FamilyMember has in a particular generation (not above, not below). A generation is defined here as a number of “steps” that indicates how far removed a set of descendants is from their ancestor. For example, a person’s children form a generation at step 1, the person’s grandchildren constitute another generation at step 2, the greatgrandchildren at step 3, and so on.

Returns the number of descendants the FamilyMember has in a particular generation (not above, not below). A generation is defined here as a number of “steps” that indicates how far removed a set of descendants is from their ancestor. For example, a person’s children form a generation at step 1, the person’s grandchildren constitute another generation at step 2, the greatgrandchildren at step 3, and so on.



a positive number of “steps” that identifies a generation



the number of descendants that are exactly the indicated number of steps removed from the person in the family tree

Returns the number of generations below this person in the family tree. For a person with no children, this will be zero; for someone with at least one child but no grandchildren, this will be one; for someone with grandchildren but no greatgrandchildren, this will be two, and so on.

Returns the number of generations below this person in the family tree. For a person with no children, this will be zero; for someone with at least one child but no grandchildren, this will be one; for someone with grandchildren but no greatgrandchildren, this will be two, and so on.


override def toString: String

Returns a string representation of the person.

Returns a string representation of the person.


Definition Classes

Concrete fields

val name: String