O1Library Credits
O1Library’s student-facing interface was designed by Juha Sorva; Aleksi Lukkarinen, Juha Sorva, and Jaakko Nakaza did the underlying implementation.
Several of the key components in o1.gui and o1.world are built upon Jaakko’s SMILe library, which is an offshoot of Aleksi’s Scala Media Computation Library.
Some parts of O1Library draw inspiration from the “teachpacks” of the Racket programming language.
We are grateful to Riku Autio, Joonatan Honkamaa, Juhani Numminen, Leo Varis, Veera Kahva, Oskari Lahti, Okko Heiniö, Riku Väättänen, and anonymous students for bug reports and fixes. We thank Otto Seppälä for helpful discussions.