
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package o1

    O1Library is a toolkit designed for the course Programming 1 (a.k.a. O1) at Aalto University.

    O1Library is a toolkit designed for the course Programming 1 (a.k.a. O1) at Aalto University. It contains an assortment of tools; most prominently, it provides a framework for simple graphical programming and utilities for playing sound.

    This is the front page of O1Library’s documentation. However, this is probably not the best place to start learning about O1Library as a student. That’s because the relevant content of this library is introduced bit by bit in the chapters of O1’s custom ebook alongside the associated programming concepts and assignments.

    You may still find this documentation useful as a reference. You can also find some optional content here that you may wish to try.

    This front page lists the content available in the top-level package called simply o1. These tools are available with the simple command import o1._ in your Scala programs. Some of them you’ll use a lot; some of them you won’t necessarily need at all.

    The tools listed here are actually implemented in a number of subpackages (o1.gui, o1.sound, etc.); what you see here are just “shortcut aliases” to those actual implementations. The aliases are here to make that convenient import command work and to provide you with this list of links to some of the more commonly used tools in O1Library. The subpackages also contain additional content not listed here.

    O1Library has been developed by Aleksi Lukkarinen and Juha Sorva. Several of the key components in o1.gui and are built upon Aleksi’s Scala Media Computation Library. Some parts of O1Library draw inspiration from the “teachpacks” of the Racket programming language.

    We are grateful to Riku Autio, Joonatan Honkamaa, Juhani Numminen, Leo Varis, Veera Kahva, and anonymous students for bug reports and fixes. We thank Otto Seppälä for helpful discussions.

    Definition Classes
  • package gui

    This package contains tools for building simple GUIs.

    This package contains tools for building simple GUIs. The toolkit is particularly well suited to constructing GUIs that display information as 2D images and/or geometric shapes. It is not designed for demanding graphical needs that call for high efficiency. Some of the tools in this package are built on the Swing GUI library, and the two libraries can be used in combination.

    Some of the types in this package have aliases in the top-level package o1, so they are accessible to students simply via import o1._. Some of the package contents are not available in the top-level package or included in this documentation.

    Please note: One of this package’s key components (views) comes in multiple varieties, which which are defined in the subpackages o1.gui.mutable and o1.gui.immutable and not listed below. The View that is most commonly used in O1 (and aliased as o1.View in the top-level package) is o1.gui.mutable.ViewFrame.

    Definition Classes
  • package colors

    This package contains Color constants.

    This package contains Color constants. They cover all the colors listed in the W3C’s CSS Color Module specification (July 5th, 2017); there are some additional ones as well.

    All the colors are fully opaque, except Transparent, which is fully transparent.

    The contents of this package are aliased in the top-level package o1 so that they are accessible to students simply via import o1._.

    Definition Classes
  • O_o
  • package event

    This package exists in order to provide aliases to event classes in Swing and to add some methods to Swing’s InputEvent via o1.gui.event.ConvenientInputEvent.

    This package exists in order to provide aliases to event classes in Swing and to add some methods to Swing’s InputEvent via o1.gui.event.ConvenientInputEvent.

    The contents of this package are aliased in the top-level package o1, so that they are accessible to students simply via* import o1._.

    Definition Classes
  • package layout

    The package o1.gui.layout contains utilities that make it more convenient to lay out components in simple GridBagPanels from Scala's Swing library.

    The package o1.gui.layout contains utilities that make it more convenient to lay out components in simple GridBagPanels from Scala's Swing library. These utilities are used internally by some of the given GUIs in O1.

    NOTE TO STUDENTS: In this course, you don't need to understand how this package works or can be used.

    Definition Classes



package colors

This package contains Color constants. They cover all the colors listed in the W3C’s CSS Color Module specification (July 5th, 2017); there are some additional ones as well.

All the colors are fully opaque, except Transparent, which is fully transparent.

The contents of this package are aliased in the top-level package o1 so that they are accessible to students simply via import o1._.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. colors
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. val AliceBlue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  2. val AlizarinCrimson: Color

    A named color as per Bob Ross.

  3. val Amethyst: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  4. val AntiqueWhite: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  5. val Aqua: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  6. val Aquamarine: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  7. val Azure: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  8. val Beige: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  9. val Bisque: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  10. val Black: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  11. val Black10: Color

    A grayscale color that contains 10% black.

  12. val Black20: Color

    A grayscale color that contains 20% black.

  13. val Black30: Color

    A grayscale color that contains 30% black.

  14. val Black40: Color

    A grayscale color that contains 40% black.

  15. val Black50: Color

    A grayscale color that contains 50% black.

  16. val Black60: Color

    A grayscale color that contains 60% black.

  17. val Black70: Color

    A grayscale color that contains 70% black.

  18. val Black80: Color

    A grayscale color that contains 80% black.

  19. val Black90: Color

    A grayscale color that contains 90% black.

  20. val BlanchedAlmond: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  21. val Blue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  22. val BlueViolet: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  23. val BrightRed: Color

    A named color as per Bob Ross.

  24. val Brown: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  25. val BurlyWood: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  26. val CadetBlue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  27. val CadmiumYellow: Color

    A named color as per Bob Ross.

  28. val Chartreuse: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  29. val Chocolate: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  30. val Coral: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  31. val CornSilk: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  32. val CornflowerBlue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  33. val Crimson: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  34. val Cyan: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  35. val DarkBlue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  36. val DarkCyan: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  37. val DarkGoldenrod: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  38. val DarkGray: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  39. val DarkGreen: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  40. val DarkGrey: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  41. val DarkKhaki: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  42. val DarkMagenta: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  43. val DarkOliveGreen: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  44. val DarkOrange: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  45. val DarkOrchid: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  46. val DarkRed: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  47. val DarkSalmon: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  48. val DarkSeaGreen: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  49. val DarkSienna: Color

    A named color as per Bob Ross.

  50. val DarkSlateBlue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  51. val DarkSlateGray: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  52. val DarkSlateGrey: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  53. val DarkTurquoise: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  54. val DarkViolet: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  55. val DeepPink: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  56. val DeepSkyBlue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  57. val DimGray: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  58. val DimGrey: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  59. val DodgerBlue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  60. val FireBrick: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  61. val FloralWhite: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  62. val ForestGreen: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  63. val Fuchsia: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  64. val Gainsboro: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  65. val GhostWhite: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  66. val Gold: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  67. val Goldenrod: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  68. val Gray: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  69. val Green: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  70. val GreenYellow: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  71. val Grey: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  72. val Honeydew: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  73. val HotPink: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  74. val IndianRed: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  75. val IndianYellow: Color

    A named color as per Bob Ross.

  76. val Indigo: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  77. val Ivory: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  78. val Khaki: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  79. val Lavender: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  80. val LavenderBlush: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  81. val LawnGreen: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  82. val LemonChiffon: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  83. val LightBlue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  84. val LightCoral: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  85. val LightCyan: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  86. val LightGoldenrodYellow: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  87. val LightGray: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  88. val LightGreen: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  89. val LightGrey: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  90. val LightPink: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  91. val LightSalmon: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  92. val LightSeaGreen: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  93. val LightSkyBlue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  94. val LightSlateGray: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  95. val LightSlateGrey: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  96. val LightSteelBlue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  97. val LightYellow: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  98. val Lime: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  99. val LimeGreen: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  100. val Linen: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  101. val Magenta: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  102. val Maroon: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  103. val MediumAquamarine: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  104. val MediumBlue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  105. val MediumOrchid: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  106. val MediumPurple: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  107. val MediumSeaGreen: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  108. val MediumSlateBlue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  109. val MediumSpringGreen: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  110. val MediumTurquoise: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  111. val MediumVioletRed: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  112. val MidnightBlack: Color

    A named color as per Bob Ross.

  113. val MidnightBlue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  114. val MintCream: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  115. val MistyRose: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  116. val Moccasin: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  117. val NavajoWhite: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  118. val Navy: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  119. lazy val NorwegianBlue: Color

    A named color as per the MP standard.

  120. val OldLace: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  121. val Olive: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  122. val OliveDrab: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  123. val Orange: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  124. val OrangeRed: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  125. val Orchid: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  126. val PaleGoldenrod: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  127. val PaleGreen: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  128. val PaleTurquoise: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  129. val PaleVioletRed: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  130. val PapayaWhip: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  131. val PeachPuff: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  132. val Peru: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  133. val PhthaloBlue: Color

    A named color as per Bob Ross.

  134. val PhthaloGreen: Color

    A named color as per Bob Ross.

  135. val Pink: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  136. val Plum: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  137. val PowderBlue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  138. val PrussianBlue: Color

    A named color as per Bob Ross.

  139. val Purple: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  140. val Red: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  141. val RosyBrown: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  142. val RoyalBlue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  143. val SaddleBrown: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  144. val Salmon: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  145. val SandyBrown: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  146. val SapGreen: Color

    A named color as per Bob Ross.

  147. val SeaGreen: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  148. val SeaShell: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  149. val Sienna: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  150. val Silver: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  151. val SkyBlue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  152. val SlateBlue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  153. val SlateGray: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  154. val SlateGrey: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  155. val Snow: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  156. val SpringGreen: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  157. val SteelBlue: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  158. val Tan: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  159. val Teal: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  160. val Thistle: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  161. val TitaniumHwite: Color

    A named color as per Bob Ross.

  162. val Tomato: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  163. val Transparent: Color

    Represents a fully transparent (white) color.

  164. val Turquoise: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  165. val VanDykeBrown: Color

    A named color as per Bob Ross.

  166. val Violet: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  167. val Wheat: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  168. val White: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  169. val White10: Color

    A grayscale color that contains 10% white.

  170. val White20: Color

    A grayscale color that contains 20% white.

  171. val White30: Color

    A grayscale color that contains 30% white.

  172. val White40: Color

    A grayscale color that contains 40% white.

  173. val White50: Color

    A grayscale color that contains 50% white.

  174. val White60: Color

    A grayscale color that contains 60% white.

  175. val White70: Color

    A grayscale color that contains 70% white.

  176. val White80: Color

    A grayscale color that contains 80% white.

  177. val White90: Color

    A grayscale color that contains 90% white.

  178. val WhiteSmoke: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  179. val Yellow: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  180. val YellowGreen: Color

    A named color as per W3C’s list of colors.

  181. val YellowOchre: Color

    A named color as per Bob Ross.

  182. object O_o

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
