
package o1.grid

Members list

Type members


enum CompassDir(val xStep: Int, val yStep: Int)

The type CompassDir represents the cardinal compass directions in a grid-like coordinate system. There are exactly four instances of this type: North, East, South and West, which are also defined in this package.

The type CompassDir represents the cardinal compass directions in a grid-like coordinate system. There are exactly four instances of this type: North, East, South and West, which are also defined in this package.

All the CompassDir objects are immutable.

This type and its instances have aliases in the top-level package o1, so they are accessible to students simply via import o1.*.



the change in x coordinate if one moves one step in this direction. For instance, West has an xStep of -1 and North has an xStep of 0.


the change in y coordinate if one moves one step in this direction. For instance, North has an yStep of -1 and West has an yStep of 0.


See also
trait Enum
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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object CompassDir

This companion object of type CompassDir provides a selection of related constants and utility methods.

This companion object of type CompassDir provides a selection of related constants and utility methods.

This object has an alias in the top-level package o1, so it’s accessible to students simply via import o1.*.


trait Sum
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
trait Grid[Element](val width: Int, val height: Int)

The trait Grid represents rectangular grids that contain elements of a particular kind. Each element in a grid is located at a unique pair of coordinates, represented as a GridPos.

The trait Grid represents rectangular grids that contain elements of a particular kind. Each element in a grid is located at a unique pair of coordinates, represented as a GridPos.

X coordinates run from 0 to width-1, y coordinates from 0 to height-1. (0,0) corresponds to the upper left corner of the grid.

There are different kinds of grids: the type of element that a grid contains is defined by the grid’s type parameter. For instance, Grid[Square] is a grid where each pair of x and y coordinates contains a Square object, and Grid[House] is a grid containing House objects.

A Grid is mutable: it is possible to replace an element at a particular GridPos with another. (Depending on the element type, the elements may be individually mutable, too.) The width and height of a grid never change, however.

Upon creation, a Grid initializes itself by calling initialElements, which produces an initial state for the grid.

This trait has an alias in the top-level package o1, so it’s accessible to students simply via import o1.*.



the number of elements in each column of the grid


the number of elements in each row of the grid


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class RobotWorld
final case class GridPos(x: Int, y: Int)

An object of type GridPos represents a pair of integer coordinates. Such a pair can be used to reference a point on a Grid.

An object of type GridPos represents a pair of integer coordinates. Such a pair can be used to reference a point on a Grid.

The coordinate axes are named x and y. In this coordinate system, x increases “eastwards” and y` increases “southwards”.

GridPos objects are immutable.

This class has an alias in the top-level package o1, so it’s accessible to students simply via import o1.*.



an x coordinate


a y coordinate


trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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object GridPos

This companion object of class GridPos provides a couple of utility methods.

This companion object of class GridPos provides a couple of utility methods.


trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type