
class Spinbot(name: String, body: RobotBody) extends RobotBrain

The class Spinbot represents the “brains” of extremely simple robots that simply spin clockwise and never change location.



the robot body whose actions the spinbot brain will control


the name of the spinbot


trait RobotBrain
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def moveBody(): Unit

Moves the robot. A spinbot simply spins 90 degrees clockwise as its move.

Moves the robot. A spinbot simply spins 90 degrees clockwise as its move.


Inherited methods

Moves the robot one square forwards, if there is nothing there. If that square isn’t empty, the robot does not move, so this method never causes a collision.

Moves the robot one square forwards, if there is nothing there. If that square isn’t empty, the robot does not move, so this method never causes a collision.



true if the move was successful and the robot is now in the next square, false if it was blocked

Inherited from:
def controlTurn(): Unit

Controls the robot body’s actions for a single turn. If the brain considers the robot to be stuck (see isStuck), this method does nothing. If not stuck, the brain calls its own moveBody method, which carries out the actual robot actions.

Controls the robot body’s actions for a single turn. If the brain considers the robot to be stuck (see isStuck), this method does nothing. If not stuck, the brain calls its own moveBody method, which carries out the actual robot actions.


Inherited from:

Returns the direction this robot is facing in.

Returns the direction this robot is facing in.


Inherited from:

Determines whether or not the robot brain considers the robot to be stuck. A brain considers the robot stuck if and only if all the squares surrounding the robot contain unpassable obstacles, as defined by the mayAdvance method. Only the four nearest squares in the main compass directions are considered.

Determines whether or not the robot brain considers the robot to be stuck. A brain considers the robot stuck if and only if all the squares surrounding the robot contain unpassable obstacles, as defined by the mayAdvance method. Only the four nearest squares in the main compass directions are considered.


Inherited from:

Returns the location of this robot in its robot world.

Returns the location of this robot in its robot world.


Inherited from:

Returns the coordinates that point at the square that is immediately in front of this robot.

Returns the coordinates that point at the square that is immediately in front of this robot.


Inherited from:
def mayAdvance(direction: CompassDir): Boolean

Checks the the square that neighbors this robot in the given direction to see if it contains something that the robot brain considers an obstacle. This method is abstract; different kinds of robot brains will have different definitions of what counts as an obstacle.

Checks the the square that neighbors this robot in the given direction to see if it contains something that the robot brain considers an obstacle. This method is abstract; different kinds of robot brains will have different definitions of what counts as an obstacle.

This default implementation (which may be overriden by subtypes) does not consider anything to be an obstacle. Robots that rely on this default implementation are willing to move in any direction and never consider themselves to be stuck (see isStuck).


Inherited from:
def name_=(newName: String): Unit

Changes the robot’s name to the given one.

Changes the robot’s name to the given one.

Note to students: In Scala, a method whose name ends in an underscore and an equals sign — like this one’s — can be called using a special syntax. For instance, this method can be called either with the statement bot.name_=("Suzy") or simply with an assignment statement: bot.name = "Suzy". You won’t find many uses for this in O1, but it’s nice to know nonetheless.


Inherited from:

Returns the brain of the robot immediately in front of this robot. The brain is returned in an Option wrapper; None is returned if there is no robot in that square or if the robot that is there has no brain.

Returns the brain of the robot immediately in front of this robot. The brain is returned in an Option wrapper; None is returned if there is no robot in that square or if the robot that is there has no brain.


Inherited from:

Returns the square that is immediately in front of this robot.

Returns the square that is immediately in front of this robot.


Inherited from:
override def toString: String

Returns a textual representation of the robot (which is the robot’s name).

Returns a textual representation of the robot (which is the robot’s name).


Definition Classes
Inherited from:

Returns the world that this robot is located in.

Returns the world that this robot is located in.


Inherited from: