
enum AtEnd extends Product, Serializable

The values of this enumeration each specify a different policy for what happens once an Animation reaches the last frame.


trait Enum
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Members list

Type members

Enum entries

case Close extends AtEnd

Used as an Animation parameter to signal that the animation window should automatically close after the last frame.

Used as an Animation parameter to signal that the animation window should automatically close after the last frame.


Used as an Animation parameter to signal that the animation should stay stopped but visible at the last frame once it’s done.

Used as an Animation parameter to signal that the animation should stay stopped but visible at the last frame once it’s done.


case Loop extends AtEnd

Used as an Animation parameter to signal that the animation should repeat ad infinitum.

Used as an Animation parameter to signal that the animation should repeat ad infinitum.
