
object Animation

This companion object of class Animation provides a couple of convenience methods (show, generate) for starting animations and an enumeration (AtEnd) for use with the class.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


enum AtEnd extends Product with Serializable

The values of this enumeration each specify a different policy for what happens once an Animation reaches the last frame.

The values of this enumeration each specify a different policy for what happens once an Animation reaches the last frame.

Value members

Concrete methods

def generate(makeFrame: Int => Pic, numberOfFrames: Int, frameRate: Double, terminateOnClose: Boolean, atEnd: AtEnd): Animation

Uses a given function to generate an animation, then starts and returns that animation.

Uses a given function to generate an animation, then starts and returns that animation.

Value parameters:

what should happen once the animation reaches the final Pic


a target speed (in Pics per second), which the Animation will roughly observe if possible


a function that generates the frames of the animation: it takes a frame number (>= 0) and returns the corresponding Pic


the number of frames in the animation; the numbers 0 <= n < numberOfFrames get passed to makeFrame to generate the animation


whether the entire application should exit when the animation window is closed


the running animation

def show(frames: Iterable[Pic], frameRate: Double, terminateOnClose: Boolean, atEnd: AtEnd): Animation

Creates and immediately starts an Animation as specified by the parameters.

Creates and immediately starts an Animation as specified by the parameters.

Value parameters:

what should happen once the animation reaches the final Pic


a target speed (in Pics per second), which the Animation will roughly observe if possible


the Pics that the animation consists of, in order; they should be identical in size


whether the entire application should exit when the animation window is closed


the running animation