
final case class Voice(notes: Seq[MusicElem], isPercussion: Boolean)

Represents a single voice within a piece of Music. A voice consists of MusicElems, primarily notes, in order.

Value parameters:

whether the notes should not be interpresed as regular notes but as the special sounds defined for the MIDI standard’s percussion channel


the notes (and possible other MusicElems) that compose this voice

trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def toString: String

Returns a string description of the music.

Returns a string description of the music.

Definition Classes

Inherited methods

Inherited from:

Concrete fields

lazy val length: Int

the total length (duration) of all the notes in the voice

the total length (duration) of all the notes in the voice

lazy val nonEmpty: Boolean

whether the voice has any MusicElems at all

whether the voice has any MusicElems at all