
class Frame(val returnLine: Int)

Each Frame object represents a data frame within a tribal bot’s call stack. A frame stores data relevant to a single RoboSpeak subprogram call. A stack frame is associated not with the code of a subprogram, but with a subprogram call that happens during a RoboSpeak program run.

Tribal bots’ subprogram calls — unlike methods in Scala — don’t have any parameters or local variables, and very little data needs to be stored in each CallStackFrame. In fact, only a single line number needs to be stored to indicate where the subprogram call was made (in order to determine where execution should resume once the bot returns from the subprogram).

Value parameters:

the line number of the call site that produced this frame

See also:
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def toString: String

Returns a textual representation of this frame, for debugging purposes.

Returns a textual representation of this frame, for debugging purposes.

Definition Classes

Concrete fields