
trait MusicElem

A MusicElem is an element describes an aspect of MIDI music: a note, a chord, a pause, or a meta directive such as the change of an instrument. MusicElems put together make a Voice; voices put together compose a piece of Music.

Each MusicElem has a length that represents how long it takes to play it. The duration of the shortest audible sound playable with o1.sound.midi is one; other durations are linearly relative to that.


See also
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class Chord
class Instrument
class Note
class OctaveShift
object Pause.type

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def length: Int

the duration of the MusicElem: how long it takes to play it

the duration of the MusicElem: how long it takes to play it
