
See theSound companion object
trait Sound

Each instance of this trait represents a recorded sound sample.

You create Sounds with the methods on the companion object: Sound("my_sound_file.wav"). The supported formats are WAV, AIFF, AU, AIFC, and SND.

This trait has an alias in the top-level package o1, so it’s accessible to students simply via import o1.*.

This type is essentially a wrapper around the key functionality in javax.sound.sampled, especially its Clip class.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

whether the Sound object represents a successfully loaded sound sample. This will be true if the methods on the companion object successfully loaded the sound from a file or a URL, and false if there was a problem

whether the Sound object represents a successfully loaded sound sample. This will be true if the methods on the companion object successfully loaded the sound from a file or a URL, and false if there was a problem


Plays the sound sample, possibly multiple times in sequence.

Plays the sound sample, possibly multiple times in sequence.



how many additional times the sound should play after being played once; if you pass in KeepRepeating, the sound will repeat indefinitely unless stop is called


you may pass in a number to override the sounds’s default volume adjustment


def stop(): Unit

Stops the playing of the sound sample, previously started with play.

Stops the playing of the sound sample, previously started with play.


Returns an other Sound otherwise identical to this one but with the given volume adjustment.

Returns an other Sound otherwise identical to this one but with the given volume adjustment.


Concrete methods

override def toString: String

A String representation of the sound; equals description.

A String representation of the sound; equals description.


Definition Classes

Abstract fields

A description of the sound’s origin. Examples:

A description of the sound’s origin. Examples:

  • "../../../../../O1Library/doc"
  • " (failed to create)"


val volume: Float

an adjustment to the loaded sound sample’s volume: a positive number makes it louder a negative one quieter. A value equal to Mute means the sound is completely silent.

an adjustment to the loaded sound sample’s volume: a positive number makes it louder a negative one quieter. A value equal to Mute means the sound is completely silent.
